Guide: How to Load/Import .XML Config Files in Gcam Port

We will start this post by apprecitating the fantastic developers who create Google Camera Ports for different Android devices and create a room for customization as per user’s need.

Importing .xml config files into GCam (Google Camera) is a popular way to quickly optimize the app’s settings for a specific device. Google Camera port offers tons of exciting features, but what if you need a different configuration for a specific feature?

Here’s a detailed guide on how to load or import .xml files based on the provided content:

Understanding .XML Config Files in Google Camera Port

XML file in Gcam Port are configuration files that users can apply to their GCam app to adjust settings such as exposure, saturation, and noise reduction, tailored to specific phone models or photography styles.

Different phones have different camera capabilities. These config files are created by the community to exploit (kind of) the full potential of your device’s camera using the GCam app.

Preparing the GCam Folders

GCam versions store .xml config files in specific folders that you might need to create manually. Here’s where you should place your .xml files based on your GCam version:

  • GCam 8.x: /GCam/Configs8/
  • GCam 7.x: /GCam/Configs7/
  • GCam 6.x: /GCam/Configs/

Note: Some GCam versions might use different directories; this is usually noted on the config’s or changelog’s page. The top folder /GCam/ should be on the same level as other folders like DCIM and Downloads.

How to Load/Import .XML Config Files

Step 1: Create the Config Folder

Depending on your GCam version, create the respective folder (Configs8, Configs7, or Configs) inside the /GCam/ directory.

This directory should be at the same level as your other media folders.

Step 2: Move the .XML File:

Download the .xml file that corresponds to your device and GCam version.

Move this file into the folder you just created.

Step 3: Allow Necessary Permissions (Android 11+):

On Android 11 and above, you may need to grant GCam permission to manage all files.

Do this through the app’s settings under permissions → files and media.

Step 4: Load the Config in GCam:

– Open the GCam app.

– Double-click the dark area around the shutter button to bring up the config loading interface.

– Select the config (.xml file) you want to load and choose “Restore.” Sometimes, you may need to do this twice for it to load properly.

Tips and Troubleshooting

Check Compatibility: Ensure that the .xml file is meant for your version of GCam and your specific device model.

Backup Settings: If you’ve customized settings, consider backing them up before loading a new config.

Community Support: If you encounter issues, the community forums where you found the .xml file can be a great resource for assistance.

Stay Updated: Keep your GCam app and .xml configs updated for the best performance and new features.

How to Save .XML Config in Gcam Port

Step 1: Open GCam and Access Settings:

Launch the GCam app on your device.

Navigate to the settings menu. This can usually be accessed via a gear icon or through a menu within the app.

Step 2: Find the Save Option:

In the settings menu, look for options related to saving or exporting settings. This might be labeled as “Configs,” “XML Configs,” “Save Settings,” or similar.

The location of this option can vary based on the modder or GCam version. It might be in the main settings, under “Advanced,” or even in the “About” page of the app.

Step 3: Save Your Config:

Once you find the appropriate option, select it to save your current settings.

You’ll likely be prompted to give the config file a name. Choose a short, descriptive name that helps you remember the specific setup. For example, “OP8Pro_ArnovaGCam8_Colours.xml” might indicate a config for the OnePlus 8 Pro using Arnova’s GCam 8, focused on color accuracy.

Step 4: Access the Config File:

The app will save the .xml config file in its respective configs folder. You can access this folder using any file browser.

Navigate to the GCam folder, then to the configs subfolder (e.g., /GCam/Configs8/, /GCam/Configs7/, or /GCam/Configs/ depending on your version).


Loading .xml config files into your GCam app can significantly enhance your photography experience by customizing the app’s settings to suit your specific device and preferences. It involves creating the correct directory, moving the .xml file into it, allowing necessary permissions, and then loading the config through the app. With these steps, you can quickly import settings crafted by the community and enjoy an optimized photography experience on your device.